How to make your mark - tips on how to get ahead in a new job

how to make your mark
When starting a new job most people not only want to make a good first impression on their boss and new colleagues, but they also want to make their mark and be recognised and given credit for their ideas and contribution.

This often takes time, but by following correct business etiquette, working hard and showing a lot of enthusiasm, making your mark in a new job may not take as long as expected.
The following points will help you get ahead in your new position and ensure that you become a valued and respected member of the team in no time.

Dress for success

Although the saying goes "don't judge a book by its cover", in business that's exactly what happens - you are judged by the clothes that you wear.

Those that dress smartly, are well groomed and look the part are rightly or wrongly perceived as good businessmen and women.

When you have been at the company a while, then you can relax your dress code, but not until you have made your mark.

First in, last out

To impress your boss it's essential that your attendance record is spotless. Any personal business should be kept out of office hours as much as possible unless it is absolutely unavoidable. Being the first one at your desk in the morning and the last one out will also win favour with those above you.

Part of the team

Show from the start that you are a team player and that you work well with others. Although you are the one that has to prove yourself and stand out, if you can't work with other people in a professional manner, there could be trouble. Don't forget that your co-workers' comments about you may be what helps you or hinders you when it comes to being promoted and working your way up in the company in the future.

Volunteer yourself

If your boss or colleagues are looking for a volunteer, make sure that you're the man or woman for the job. Whatever the project or task, show that you are willing, eager and enthusiastic - even if you don't know what to do. If others are overloaded with work, offer to help them out and lessen their load. However, try to ensure that what you volunteer for is relevant or related to your function within the organisation.

Be a problem-solver

Solving problems is a great attribute in any business. A good way to make your mark is to come up with workable solutions to problems that crop up in your office. If this can be done in a calm manner without any signs of panic or pandemonium - even better.

A friendly and positive attitude

It is vital that you are respected as a person and that colleagues are comfortable around you. This can be achieved by being friendly and courteous to everyone that you come into contact with and generally acting in a positive manner. Always say please and thank you when asking people to do things and show your appreciation when they have helped you in some way.

Know your job

Make sure that you are clear from the outset of your role within the company and what your job entails. It is important that you know what you are supposed to be doing so that you can then get on with it and also plan ahead. Your boss will be able to see that you show initiative and don't have to be guided every step of the way. Arrange regular meetings with your boss in order to update him with your progress and so that he is well aware of how well you are doing.

Time management

Whatever you do, don't miss any deadlines for work that has to be completed or for any projects that have to be carried out.

Time management is extremely important, particularly if you are out to impress your boss. If you are having difficulty with a task and estimate that it won't be finished on time, tell your boss as quickly as possible and don't leave it until the last moment, when nothing can be done about it.

Lead by example

Always behave in the manner in which you would like or expect everyone around you to behave.

A bit of humour

If you can bring a bit of humour to the office and lift people's moods in a potentially stressful environment, this will be favoured by each and every member of the team. In saying that, humour should occur naturally and not to the detriment or ridicule of any member of staff.

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