How to choose the right company to work for

how to choose the right company
Choosing the right job and the right company to work for will be one of the most important decisions that you will ever have to make. Nowadays, and more so than before, it is more than likely that you will have to make this decision several times throughout your working career.

Choosing the wrong job or the wrong company will certainly have adverse consequences and will affect every aspect of your life including your health and your happiness, as well as your family, work and social life.
If you are desperate for work, it would be the easiest thing to accept the first job that is offered to you. However, in the long run, it is best to do your research and to take your time to ensure that mistakes are not made and that your future career will be a happy one.

How to choose the right company

Most people know what they like and what they don't like. Choosing the right company or the right type of company to work for is a matter of personal taste.

You should know whether you would like to work within a small team or whether you want to work for a large multi-national company in a big city, and therefore would apply for appropriate jobs.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both and you will have to weigh up the pros and cons and make a decision according to your working style and your own personality.

Small companies

Working for a small company is a great way to learn fast and pick up a whole host of useful transferable skills. Promotion is possible within a short period of time and the post may be very varied and involve numerous interesting tasks.

People that like working for small companies will enjoy the close relationships that they have to the other members of staff (if there are any!) and the variety of their job. It is possible that working for a small company would mean being situated fairly close to where you live, which is an advantage if you are without transport or you have a family and want to spend as much time as possible at home.

There are downsides, however and these also have to be taken into consideration.

The pay will probably be a lot less than if you were working for a large-sized business and you may not be offered benefits such as free healthcare, a company car or a paid mobile phone. It is possible that your job may not be as secure, particularly in times of economic instability and if you do not get on with a certain colleague or colleagues, things can become pretty tense and uncomfortable within such a small space.

Large companies

Landing a job in a large or multi-national company will appeal to the more career-minded people or those who are fairly ambitious. Bigger pay packets may be on offer but with it may come longer hours, higher expectations and the pressure of knowing that there is no room for mistakes or errors in your job. To move up in a large company would take a lot of effort on your part and you would have to provide work that is far better than anyone else's before you got noticed. There may be hundreds of people working in the same building as you, yet you would only get to know a handful of them. Expect your work to be more or less the same and your voice would probably not be heard in such a large pond.

Do your research before you apply

Before you apply for any job, you should do your homework on the company and try to find out as much information as possible about them.

The Internet is an excellent tool for this but you can also ask any family or friends that may have worked in the same company about their experiences.

Maybe you would think twice about applying for a job at a large multi-national after reading newspaper reports of harassment and numerous court cases involving clients or ex-staff.

Similarly, the Internet will provide you with information about the top companies to work for in terms of salary, conditions, benefits and general work life.


Probably the best tool to use when choosing the right company to work for is your own mind and gut instinct.

If you are invited for an interview and are shown around the place of work, you will glean some idea of the atmosphere there and may be able to get a feel of how the staff that are already employed feel.

If you are uncomfortable on your visit, you just don't like the person carrying out the interview (your potential boss) or you have a niggling feeling that something is not quite right, then you should probably listen to your intuition and decline any offer of work.

If, on the other hand, you visit a company and feel relaxed and comfortable with what you see, the chances are that you would be happy working in that place in the future.

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