Relocating for a job

relocating for a job
There is more than one reason for having to relocate for a job. One of the most common, these days, is that your company is able to operate more cheaply and effectively from another town or city, and is therefore making the move.

Another, may be that you can't find work where you currently live and have heard that there are plenty more opportunities elsewhere. Maybe, you're just restless where you are and need a change. Whatever the reason, relocating for a job is a big deal and requires a lot of thought and proper planning.
If you are a single person without a spouse and young family, then perhaps moving to another town is not such a difficult decision, particularly if you love your job, like working for your company and they want you with them. If, however, your household consists of more than one person, there will be much more to consider.

What if your partner is in employment and doesn't want to move? They may be out of work for a while after relocating. Can you afford to live on one salary for a while? Children will have to leave their school and friends or may be at the age when schooling is extremely important and an upheaval could jeopardise their education. These are all important factors to think about.

Let's also consider the new location. If you are debating whether to make the move, you must research the area beforehand. What are the schools like? Is the cost of living cheaper? What is the area like in general? Is there plenty to do? Is it safe there?

OK, so you do want to relocate. Does your company want you to move so much that they offer to pay moving costs? Relocating hundreds of kilometres is a fairly costly process, particularly if you have a family with several children.

Visiting the new location, if possible, before the move is a good idea. Gather as much information about the area as possible and talk to the locals to get their advice on the best areas to live, shop, go out, eat etc.

If you do decide to relocate, the best thing is to rent a property, so that you can take your time to get to know the area and decide whether you really have made the right decision in moving. Join local online forums and register with local property agencies in advance in order to find a temporary place to rent for the first few months.

If you own a property, perhaps you can rent yours out so that you do not have to pay out two lots of money. Can you really afford to pay a mortgage and rent a new property or will your company provide you with accommodation?

If you have been offered a job by a company from another city then make sure that you clarify all of the above beforehand. If the company is prepared to employ someone who is not local, they must be aware of the costs involved and therefore either desperately want you to work for them or expect you to pay for everything. Find out which it is before doing anything!

Finally, if you just want a change and decide to move to another area just because you think you may like it, it is still a good idea to carry out plenty of research beforehand. Research what the job situation is like for your line of work and contact any companies that you think you might like to work for. Tell them that you are relocating shortly and would appreciate a meeting or an interview if possible. Send your CV off prior to your move and let them know when you will be around. Tell them that you will contact them when you arrive and look forward to seeing them soon.

If you are still unsure whether you want to relocate or not, it may help to draw up a list of pros and cons. Naturally, if you have more cons written down than pros, it's probably best not to make the move.

However, often, it's the fear of the unknown that stops people from changing their lives and moving forward. In some cases the thing that they dread the most turns out to be the best possible thing that could have happened.

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